An Appeal
Couple of days back, one student at IIMC met with an road accident and after about 1 week in the ICU, succumbed to the injuries. It was shocking, disturbing, but more than anything else, it was unfortunate. I personally didn't know the guy, but it disturbed me. "Could've-been-me" feeling! The guy was riding a motorcycle, without a helmet and possibly under the influence of alcohol. He crashed with a bus and hit his head on the road. Pity. Foolishness? Waste!

Kolkata road accidents data.
Couple of years back, I would've put the entire blame on the foolhardiness of that guy, but somehow it doesn't seem right anymore. Most of us aren't aware how easy it is to lose our lives. Just a little misfortune and there's no tomorrow! Most of the time, most of us don't give any thoughts to such possibilities and the consequences. I had my own little face-off with it once, about an year back. And it sets you thinking. One of our professor, whose tongue can sting at times, said,"This is perhaps the most mindless way of dying." And I couldn't agree more.
More fortunately than unfortunately, early in my biking days, when I was still a noob, I had a little accident. I was learning biking and it skidded. I landed safely and absolutely no harm was done. But that incident never left me, it's always there at the back of my mind. Result: I developed as an extra cautious biker. Of course, I've had my moments of madness. Fortunately, I survived all of them.
There isn't much to say. The sad incident can end up being just a statistical data point, unless we take a lesson from it. Sincere appeal to all bikers - please get a helmet!